Friday, June 23, 2023

SilverHawks Ultimates - STEELHEART!

SilverHawks Ultimates - Wave 1 -  Steelheart & Rayzor - Super7 2023

A little over ten years ago I made a post about the 1986 Steelheart figure from Kenner. I was just revisiting that page and reminiscing about how badly I wanted SilverHawks figures in MOTUC style back then. I would explicitly pine for them in the comments section regularly. I always imagined a shelf of perfectly-represented 80's Ladies: She-Ra, Cheetara, Jem, Steelheart, Octavia, Baroness, etc... all in a similar scale and animated design. And for the first time I think this is not a ridiculous concept. The SilverHawks Ultimates line is the first of these resurrected properties that hasn't had any form of reboot or modern renaissance. Yet they seem to be selling well. This gives me hope for TigerSharks and other dead (but nostalgic) properties. At the same time, this line makes be nervous because there hasn't been any news of new figures in 14 months. And at the very least we need Copper Kidd to complete the main team. Plus Flashback, Melodia, and Moon Stryker would be awesome. Here's hoping for SDCC reveals!

There have been complaints about these figures not being metallic (vac-metal deco) ever since they were first solicited. But I must say that I'm impressed with the pearlescent luster of these figures and subtle color shifts between characters. It really gives a great animated vibe. Plus, considering we saw toy color variants of ThunderCats already, I have hopes that we'll see Steelheart in a metallic purple someday. This Steelheart figure has a bluish-gray (periwinkle) hue that can look very gray or very blue depending on the lighting. In the cartoon, she matched her twin brother Steelwill, but these toys don't exactly match each other.

Steelheart comes with three heads, three sets of hands, two sets of arms (one with wings extended, one without), two blast effects, and two articulated Rayzor figures (one with wings folded, the other with wings spread).

Here are the three heads: Regular face, Angry face, and Masked.

Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!

The Super7 Ladies of the 80s representation is coming along nicely. Here is Steelheart with She-Ra and Cheetara.

And here is Steelheart with her 1986 figure from Kenner.

And here are some of my SilverHawks Ultimates so far: Quicksilver, Steelwill, Steelheart, and Bluegrass.


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