Sonic Prime, the CGI-animated show on Netflix, concluded earlier this year after three seasons and tons of toys. In total, there were sixteen 5" figures released and thirteen 2.5" figures. And that was all in a short 9-month period between July 2023 and March 2024. The theatrical movies only get a fraction of those numbers, so Prime had quite a big push in the merchandising department. There were seven female figures total, and this final figure, the 5" Batten Rouge is one I photographed way back in March but never got around to posting. This cartoon had a multiverse gimmick (the Shatterverse) that presented the main characters in a variety of thematic alternate realities. The "No Place" world featured a lot of pirate-deco'd characters, including one of my favorite Sonic ladies, Rouge the Bat. This figure is nearly identical to her 2.5" version released in 2023, so I don't have a lot to say about her (one of the reasons I postponed this review), but this truly is a cool toy on her own merits. Let's check out Rouge below!
Rouge comes with a swashbuckling pirate sword.
Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!
Here is Batten Rouge with her 2.5" figure from 2023.
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