As much as I've embraced each MasterVerse purchase I've made with enthusiasm, I can admit I've always been a little let down with some details. Namely the bland faces and the ugly articulation. But way back in 2022, a new sub-line named New Eternia was created within MasterVerse. I always took note of the reimagined aesthetics of these toys. They kind of had a Frazetta-like barbarian quality, while maintaining the color palettes and essence of the original characters. My first purchase was Mer-Man in 2024 and I was obsessed with his detail. I bought the first female in the line, Evil-Lyn, a few months later, and am incredibly impressed. Her face looks like a painting, her articulation cuts are discreet, and overall she perfectly embodies a reimagined (almost cinematic) Evil-Lyn. Now I'm excited to see how other female MOTU characters would look in this style: Teela, Sorceress, and She-Ra would all be amazing, although no upcoming females have been announced. Let's check out New Eternia Evil-Lyn below!