A fantastic side effect of Windblade's popularity is that every once in a while we get a retool of her toys as Slipstream. As a clone of Starscream, the majority of Slipstream's action figures have been simple repaints of his sculpts, with no effort to give her a more feminine design. Luckily the modern interpretations of Starscream have have very androgynous bodies, so there are plenty of great Slipstreams out there. But it's just nicer when it's an intentionally female sculpt. This newest figure is a retool of 2023's Legacy Windblade and she's been pretty difficult to find at retail. I saw her at New York Comic Con in October, and then once in November at GameStop. Other than that, the only place I've seen her available is on BigBadToyStore. Which is all a shame because she's such a cool, wicked character and it's been six years since we've seen her on the shelves. There aren't any more announced female characters in the Legacy line, so it's possible that she's the last. Let's check out Slipstream below!
Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!
Here is Slipstream with the 2023 Legacy Windblade figure. They share the same body.
I go to Walmart a few weeks ago, find this Slipstream, grab her. Go to a Dollar Tree I've never been to right after, find ONE Fortnite mini stamper figurine randomly on a shelf, a female named "Wonder". Had to get it, as it had the same color scheme as Slipstream, looking like a human version of her lol.