Saturday, March 8, 2025

Gormiti The New Era - SKYE!

Gormiti The New Era - 12" Scion Series - Skye (Air) - Giochi Preziosi 2024

One great thing about larger 12" action figures is that if they happen to have removable armor, they tend to be scaled better and fit the body in a more natural way. Small figures with armor accessories like that can quickly looks bulky and robotic. The 12" Skye figure from the Gormiti: The New Era toy line is a perfect example. All her armor fits snugly and doesn't even immediately look like it's removable. The helmet looks a smidge oversized, but I'll take it in order to have a properly-proportioned unmasked head and hair. Of the five new Gormiti figures I recently purchased, I expected this one to be the biggest dud. I thought her articulation would be awkward (it kind of is) and given that her armor is off in the packaging, I never expected it to look good on. But I was thankfully wrong, and I like her just as much as the (arguably more dynamic) Windel and General Audra. I haven't seen this show yet, but I hope it's a success and spawns more toys. They're very fun. Let's check out Skye below!

Here are all of Skye's armor pieces.

Like most 12" inexpensive figures, Sky's articulation is a bit clunky. Not a lot of great action poses ot be had.

There is a second release of this figure with an "action feature." There is a button on her abdomen that can project an image of Windel, the Gormita of the Air Clan.

Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!

Here is Skye with her 6" version.

And here is Skye with the 12" Windel figure.


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