Sunday, March 23, 2025


DC Super Heroes LEGO Keychain LED - Harley Quinn & Batgirl - Santoki 2016-17

I have several things going on in my life right now. Firstly, I'm on sabbatical and have ample free time for the next month. Secondly, I have a new computer and I'm struggling with all sorts of software and operating system issues. And thirdly, I have been focusing on finishing long-outstanding unfinished art projects and also reorganizing my toy room. The larger effects of all these events is that I will have less time for blog posts this month and the posts I do make will likely be products and photos from 5+ years ago that were never finalized (I have quite a backlog). This post features the latest three Lego LED Lites featuring the Gotham Girls. I've always loves Legos, but collecting minifigures is a who different genre from my norm that I find intimidating. But these larger 3" figures appeal to me greatly. The larger scale lets them blend in with my traditional action figures much better. And the limited character selection is actually obtainable. That said, it's been eight years and I'm ready for more. Let's check them out below!

The Lego Batman Movie
Batgirl LED Key Lite
Santoki LLC 2017

Apparently I forgot to take pics of these keychains actually lighting up. These next two photo are from a post ten years ago. When you press the large square panel on their torsos, their feet light up (really brightly).

The Lego Batman Movie
Harley Quinn LED Key Lite
Santoki LLC 2017

This Harley stands taller than all the others due to her rollerskates.

Here is Harley with her standard Lego figure.

DC Comics Super Heroes
Harley Quinn LED Key Lite
Santoki LLC 2016

Time for some Group and Comparison Pics!

Here are the three Harley Lego Keychains together, including her classic comic version from 2015.

And here are all the Bat-Family ladies together, including the Catwoman LED Lite from 2013.


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